Channel: How to get data out of reactive function in Shiny to create new columns on the same DF - Stack Overflow
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How to get data out of reactive function in Shiny to create new columns on the same DF


In my script below, Shiny is fetching data from PostgresSQL as a reactive function and I want to manipulate the output of that reactive function (just like we do in a data frame), so that I can then pass it to the renderPlot function to get the output I desire.

I will really appreciate any help in letting me know how to get this working. I have not included error message because I believe error is happening at the handling of the reactive function.

Thanks for the help! Highly appreciated.

#server side operationlibrary(shiny)library(dplyr)library(ggplot2)library(DBI)library(RPostgreSQL)drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")con <-dbConnect(drv,dbname = "", host = "valid credentials", port = 5439,           user = "USER", password = "password")dates <- seq(as.Date(as.character(Sys.Date() - 33)), as.Date(as.character(Sys.Date() - 1)), by = 1)shinyServer(function(input, output, session)  {generate <- function(dates){listofdfs <- list() #Create a list in which you intend to save your df's. for (i in 1:length(dates)){data <- reactive({dbGetQuery(con, sprintf("select Column A, CAST (date AS date), id from My_Table                                        where id =", input$user_id," and                                       date <= '%s' and date >= '%s'- INTERVAL '7 days'", dates[i], dates[i]))data$Column_A_mean <- mean(data[,1]) #creating a new column like we do in a data frame (DF)  }) listofdfs[[i]] <- data() # save your dataframes into the list }return(listofdfs) #Return the list of dataframes.}df <- do.call("rbind", generate(dates))output$Coolplot <- renderPlot({ggplot(data = df, aes(date)) +  geom_line(aes(y = Column A, colour = "Column A"))+  geom_line(aes(y = Column_A_mean, colour = "Column_A_mean"))     })  })

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